Biotechnology Council of New Jersey, Inc.
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Career Opportunities

- Please click here to view a list of the current job postings.

If you are a biotechnology or pharmaceutical company member and would like to post an industry related position on BCNJ's web site, please contact BCNJ Headquarters at or via e-mail

BCNJ does not accept resumes. It is up to the interested party to contact the company directly with their interest. Positions remain on the job bank for a 30-day period, at which time they are removed. If you want your position to be relisted, you should let us know by email before the listing expires.

Your cooperation is appreciated. If you have any questions, please email us at

Disclaimer: This job bank of biotechnology industry professional positions is offered as a service to Biotechnology Council of New Jersey members only. The Biotechnology Council of New Jersey assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or viability of any position listed. If you find this service helpful, or have suggestions, please email them to us.